It’s the end of September, which means that we’ve settled into our next full year of school. We continue to do a lighter school day during the summer, which means finding a rhythm for the school year isn’t too difficult and some of the pressure of getting everything done in 36 weeks isn’t so pressing.
Today I’m sharing each of the curriculums my kids will be using for the 2019-2020 school year. If you are interested, you can find my reviews of last year’s (2018-2019) curriculums here. We’re using many of the same materials this year!

7th Grade (Lowell)
- Math – Merrill Algebra I and II
- Writing – World History Based Writing (IEW)
- English – Seton English 7
- Spelling – Seton Spelling 7
- Latin – Latin for Children B (Classical Academic Press)
- History – Our Catholic Legacy II (Seton), Story of the World audiobooks, Columbus and Sons
- Religion – weekly Adoration, daily Bible reading, Our Lady of Victory Religion 7
- Piano – Hoffman Academy Piano
- Computer programming (Teach Your Kids to Code)
- Art – Draw in 30 Days

2nd Grade (Christian)
- Math – Abeka 2 and 3, Sudoku
- Reading – Explode the Code, readers, phonogram flashcards, sight word flashcards
- Penmanship – Writing Our Catholic Faith 2
- Music – Piano Lessons (Hoffman Academy)
- Memorization – poetry, scripture, prayers

1st Grade (Lila)
- Math – Abeka 1
- Reading – Ready2Read, Explode the Code, readers, phonogram flashcards, sight word flashcards
- Penmanship – Writing Our Catholic Faith 1
- Memorization – poetry, scripture, prayers

Preschool (Michael, 4 years old)
- Prereading – Explode the Code books
- Math – workbook, puzzle, counting games
- Penmanship – Seton K penmanship

Youngest 3 Together
- Baltimore Catechism
- Art Appreciation – study /memorize art pieces and artists (using art cards)
- Music Appreciation – learn more about the orchestra and listen to classical music (Alligators and Music)
- Bible Stories (4 days per week, a mix of The Golden Children’s Bible and the Action Bible) and Saint Stories (1 x per week) both with narration
- Geography – continents, oceans, hemispheres, USA states and capitals
- Skip counting, counting to 100
- Drawing from various “How to Draw” books

All Together
- Morning Offering, family devotion, and Rosary decade
- PE – Family Time Fitness
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