Essentials for the Catholic hospital bag from a mom of 4 (soon to be 5!).
Pregnancy is such a weird thing.
At 12 weeks you are sure the baby will never come and then suddenly you realize you need to be preparing for your little one’s entrance into the world.
I’m definitely at the point where I’m trying to pull all the loose ends together as we get ready to welcome #5 in early October.
Having gone through 4 births already (all at the same hospital), I have a fairly good idea of what I would like to pack this time around.
And the most important part of my labor and delivery bag is reserved for my faith.
I’ve found the more I can focus on my faith during birthing, the more meaningful (and dare I say enjoyable?) the whole experience is.
So today lets chat about how to bring your faith into the labor room, but also create a mega list of things you may want to include in your hospital bags.
And, as always, there is a printable!
I plan on printing one off myself and checking things off as I pack.
(*) denote items that aren’t essential but helpful

Catholic Labor and Delivery Bag Essentials
1. Scripture cards – I wrote out encouraging Bible verses for my second birth and I found them immensely helpful to have read to me during each contraction. Mine were just on a little index card flip book, but I’m using my own pretty scripture cards this time around.

2.Prayer intentions – I came upon this idea during my last birth. I would describe the pre-pushing part of that labor painless. At the beginning of each contraction, Husband would read an intention. To turn my thoughts to someone else was immensely powerful. Again, I’m using these prayer intention cards to list intentions as I think of them.

3.Rosary – Sometimes labor is just too intense to vocally pray the Rosary, but I find comfort in just holding my rosary. In between contractions, Husband can lead and I can listen, pray, and prepare for the next contraction.
4.Bible or Bible app – Husband and I both have a habit of daily Bible reading and we try to not break that habit, even when we are in the hospital with a little one. One of us will likely have a hard copy of the Bible with us. If you are tech inclined, a Bible app will do.
We, fortunately or unfortunately, live in the stone age!

5.Holy water – Holy water is good to have with you whenever you travel. In the event of an emergency, I want to have some on hand. Of course, plain old water can perform the function in that case too!

6.Icon or prayer cards – Images can help us focus and pray during labor. I have yet to own an icon. (Can I even be considered a good Catholic?) Instead, I’ll be bringing some tasteful prayer cards.

7.Saint medals – Blessed medals can also be a comfort to the laboring mother. St. Gerard is the patron saint of expectant mothers, so a medal with his image would be especially appropriate. However, any favorite saint will do!

8.Crucifix – Focusing on Our Lord’s Passion and Death can bring us strength in our own suffering. Whether it is a small wall crucifix or one worn a necklace, make sure you bring one!
Labor Bag Essentials (and more!) Packing List
For mama
- Chapstick
- Snacks
- Hair ties
- Slippers for walking
- Scripture cards
- Eye glasses
- Hard candy
- Bralette
For dad
- Snacks
- Water bottle
- Ibuprofen/Tylenol
- Eye glasses
- Pillow
- Camera
- Phones
- Chargers
- Hand sanitizer
- Rosary
- Bible
After Labor Packing List
For mama
- Earth Mama Perineal Spray and Balm
- Comfortable loose clothes for going home
- Nursing bra or nursing tank
- Nursing pads
- Socks
- Flip flops for shower
- Post labor clothes
- Robe
- Bath towel
- Face cleansing wipes
- Brush
- Dry shampoo
- Shampoo, conditioner, body wash
- Makeup
- Deodorant
- Razor
- Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss
- Nipple butter
- Lotion
- Pads, underwear
For Baby
- Car seat
- Clothes
- Swaddling blanket
- Going home outfit
- Diaper bag: diapers, wipes, extra clothes, burp rag, pacifier
For dad
- more snacks
- Deoderant
- Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss
- A comfortable change of clothes
- PJs
- IDs, wallets, insurance
FREE Printable Catholic Hospital Bag Packing List

And, of course, there is a printable to guide you (and me!) through packing our Catholic labor and delivery bag!
You can find it in the Subscriber Printable Library.
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Thanks for sharing all these great tips! I was wondering if you have any good recipes or recipe sources for quick and easy types of meals (lunches and dinners) to help keep the family fed during chaotic new baby times?