We had a big event at our house this past Sunday…

Christian received Jesus for the first time!
We had a super simple celebration with Husband’s brother’s family. The cousins had a lovely time playing together after a celebratory brunch.
Christian was so excited to receive his first communion and Husband and I were thrilled to have this very special boy have the extra grace of the Eucharist working for him too! For a boy who has not eaten bread for the past 3 years, receiving the Bread of Life was especially poignant.

Preparing for First Communion
For Christian, I used the Catholic Heritage Curricula First Communion prep course. It was a meaningful and easy to use program for his instruction, and I plan on using it again with his younger brother and sister.
He and I had “special times” together in the evening to work through his prep course. I wanted to make sure this time didn’t seem like school work and that it became something he looked forward to. We would retreat to an unoccupied room of the house with a cup of tea and candle, and then sit together to read the stories and do the activities.
Of course, I love catechizing and forming my children with good books, so we supplemented the program with other books from our Catholic bookshelf.
Books to prepare and inspire your First Communicant
Throughout the year, we’ve read from these books to prepare Christian for his First Communion. There are a couple we have yet to read that I want to spread out over the coming year so the love that has been kindled in him can be fanned into a flame.

Patron Saint of First Communicants: The Story of Blessed Imelda Lambertini by Windeatt (chapter book)
Outlaws of Ravenhurst by Sr. M. Imelda Wallace (chapter book)
Heavenly Host: Eucharistic Miracles for Children by Sweggart (short stories of Eucharistic miracles)
The King of the Golden City by Mother Mary Loyola (chapter book, allegory)
The Weight of a Mass by Nobisso (picture book)
The Caterpillar Who Came to Church: A Story of the Eucharist (picture book)
Today I Made My First Communion (teaching picture book)
Catechism of the Seven Sacraments by O’Neills (Honestly, I’ve thought about purchasing this book many times, but didn’t care for the Lego pictures and thought whatever was covered in the book was too elementary. Christian got it as a present, and after reading some to him, I’m amazed at how thorough and high level it is for kids. I’m impressed!)
These books also make great first communion gifts too!
What are your favorite books to read with your first communicant?
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Congratulations on Christian’s First Holy Communion! So special!
And thank you for the mini review of the Lego Catechism book. Like you, I’ve almost purchased it a couple times, but just wasn’t sure about it. It’s really helpful to hear that it’s really well done!
Arenda- You are more than welcome! I really don’t like cartoony depictions of holy things, but the content of the book is superior! It discusses some pretty high level things like the 4 cups of blessings that I first read about in Scott Hahn’s Supper of the Lamb. Pretty neat to take that stuff to kid’s level!
Thank you for sharing your resources!
Will you be sharing your curriculum picks for the coming year ?
YES! I do plan on doing this as well as post a review of the curriculum we used this past year. Just have to find the time to do it, if you know what I mean.