A roundup of posts, resources, tips, and tricks for new homeschoolers and old homeschoolers alike: The Catholic Homeschooling Guide!
So many people are being through into homeschooling quickly and unexpectedly. Here is a round up of all the homeschooling posts, habit helps, and life hacks to help get your homeschool off on the right foot!

All the Homeschooling Posts
Homeschool Planning
- Quickly Plan Your Homeschool Year
- How to Plan Your Homeschool Year: A Guide
- Creating a Custom Scope and Sequence
- How to Choose Homeschool Curriculum: 10 Criteria
- 10 Must Do’s in Your Catholic Preschool
- Why I don’t Waste my Time Lesson Planning
- Choosing Homeschool Curriculum
Homeschool Encouragement
- Facing Our Ugly: Countering “I Could Never Homeschool”
- Kissing Kid Crafts Goodbye
- Preparing Your Heart for Homeschooling: Practical Tips
- Finding a Homeschool Life Verse
- Eternal Literature: Drawing Your Child to Heaven through Books

Catholic Homeschooling Resources
- Catholic Homeschool Programs Side-by-Side
- Finding a Homeschool Life Verse
- Creating a Custom Scope and Sequence
- Collective Learning: Inspiration for your {Catholic} Morning Basket
- Start a Homeschool Co-op: 10 Easy Steps
- Homeschool Music for the Musically Challenged
- Baltimore Catechism: Step by Step Guide for Use in Your Homeschool (with printable schedule!)
- Busy Mama’s Guide to Learning about Catholic Homeschooling
- Read through the Catholic Year Book Lists
- Essential Homeschool Supply List

- Catholic Homeschool Planner
- Quick Printable First Day of School Signs and {Catholic} Interviews
- Read through the Catholic Year Book Lists
- (Lots of fabulous printables in the Subscriber Printable Library)
Curriculum Reviews & Picks
- 2019-2020 Catholic Curriculum Reviews (7th, 2nd/3rd, 1st, PreK-4)
- 2018-2019 Catholic Curriculum Reviews (6th, 1st/2nd, K, PreK-3)
- 2017-2018 Catholic Curriculum Reviews (5th, K, PreK-4)
- 2016-2017 Catholic Curriculum Reviews (4th, K, PreK-3)
- 2015-2016 Curriculum Picks (3rd, PreK-4)
- Morning Basket Sketch 2016-2017
- Morning Basket Plans 2015-2016

Summer School
- 7 Reasons to Homeschool Year Round
- This Year’s Summer School 2018 (6th grader, 2nd grader, K)
- 2017 Summer School (Plans, Schedule, and To Dos) (5th, 1st, PreK)
- Summer Schooling Using a Boxed Curriculum
Special Days
- 10 Must Dos in your {Catholic} Preschool
- Preschool at Home Your Way
- Preschool at Home: Simple Goals, Simple Days

Our Homeschool Room
Mother of Divine Grace:
- Mother of Divine Grace: Why We Chose It
- Mother of Divine Grace Review: Why We Still Love It
- Streamlining a Box Curriculum for Multiple Ages
- Working the MODG Syllabus
- Student Binder: Helpful Homeschool Habit
- Mother of Divine Grace Update
Books, Books, Books!
- Eternal Literature: Drawing Your Child to Heaven through Books
- Read through the Catholic Year Book Lists
- Creating a Catholic Bookshelf You Love
- Finding Free Vintage Books for Your Homeschool
- Organizing Kids’ Bookshelves
- Best Books for Catholic Kids: Must Reads
- Catholic Book Lists
- Liturgical Year Book Lists
- Implementing a Book Basket: A Helpful Homeschool Habit
Implementing a Required Reading Lists
- 2nd Grade Required Reading List
- A Required Reading Book List for Your {Catholic} Child
- Resources for Creating a {Catholic} Required Reading List
Helpful Homeschool Habits
- Implementing a Book Basket
- Student Binder
- Expecting Excellence in the Homeschool
- 7 Reasons to Homeschool Year Round
- Easily Organize the Kids’ Bookshelf Forever
- Homeschooling with Littles: Keeping the Peace
- Reader Q & A: Homeschooling the Special Child

Faith in The Catholic Homeschool
- Catholic Family Devotions Using Our Feast Table
- Liturgical Living Posts
- Liturgical Binder: Organizing the Catholic Year
- Help! Living the Liturgical Year Overwhelms me!
- Eternal Literature: Drawing Your Child to Heaven through Books
- 12 Prayers Every Catholic Child Should Know (with printables)
Organization and Routines
- Homeschool Record Keeping: A Simple System
- 2015-2016 Daily Homeschool Schedule (3rd Grade, Preschoolers, and baby)
- 2020-2021 Homeschool Schedule (8th, 4th, 2nd, K, baby)
- Nourishing Routines
- Developing Discipline with Routines
- Routines that Shape my Day
- Delegating Routines and Creating Routines for Our Children
- Troubleshooting Routines: Where Pen and Paper Meet Real Life
- Habits, Routines, and Schedules..Oh my!
- The Weekly Routine: A Transforming Habit
- Biweekly Grocery Shopping: A Time Saving Habit
- Simple Homeschool Lunch Ideas and Rotation
- 10 Ways Your Sabotaging your Homemaking
- Easily Organize the Kids’ Bookshelf Forever

Mothering Encouragement and Helps
- Reasonable Mass Expectations and Simple Strategies
- 10 Undeniable Laws of Mass Behavior
- Facing Our Ugly: Countering “I Could Never Homeschool”
- Preparing Your Heart for Homeschooling: Practical Tips
- Finding a Homeschool Life Verse

If you blog or have links to other blogs/resources you find especially helpful. Leave a comment and I’ll get them added to the list!