INSIDE: Children’s Book List for Lent and Easter
Some of my greatest memories of young motherhood involve enjoying a good book together with my little ones.
That’s why you find so many book lists on my blog.
Today, I’m posting yet another extensive and meaningful book list.
May this children’s book list for lent and Easter bless your home and family!

Children’s Books for Holy Week
- The Week that Led to Easter by Larrison
- Margaret’s First Holy Week (The Pope’s Cat) by Sweeney
- Little Colt’s Palm Sunday by Medlock Adams
- The Littlest Donkey: A Palm Sunday Story by Totire
- Little Colt: A Story about Christmas and Easter Donkeys by Travis
- Humphrey’s First Palm Sunday by Heyer
- The Donkey that No One Could Ride by desStefano
- The Donkey Who Carried a King by Sproul
- The Day Jesus Died by Davis
- The Story of the Cross: The Stations of the Cross for Children by Joslin
- Stations of the Cross by Lovasik

Children’s Book List for Lent and Easter
- My Day with Jesus by Davidson (board book)
- Into the Sea, Out of the Tomb: Jonah and Jesus by McKeegan
- Easter Eggs for Anya: A Ukrainian Celebration of New Life in Christ by Kroil
- The Easter Cave by Wedeven
- The Resurrection by Strong
- The Garden, the Curtin, and the Cross by Laferton
- Benjamin’s Box: The Story of the Resurrection Eggs by Carlson
- The Easter Story by Pingry
- He is Risen: Rocks Tell the Story of Easter by Zondervan
- An Easter Egg Hunt for Jesus by Jones
- The Legend of the Easter Egg by Walburg
- The Sparrow’s Easter Song by Abrams
- Through the Eyes of John by Daybell
- The Easter Story: According to the Gospels by Spirin
- The Story of Easter by Fisher
- The Parable of the Lily by Higgs
- Simon of Cyrene and the Legend of the Easter Egg by Degazelle
- The Easter Storybook: 40 Bible Stories Showing Who Jesus Is by Richie
- Easter Love Letters from God: Bible Stories by Nellist
- On that Easter Morning by Joslin
- The Legends of Easter Treasury: Inspirational Stories of Faith and Hope by Mackall
- Beyond the Egg: The Real Meaning of Easter by Luckey
- Christ in Easter by Colson
- Good News! It’s Easter by Nellist
- The Easter Story by Parragon Books
- On that Easter Morning by Pasquali
- The Jesus Garden: An Easter Legend
- Bunny’s First Spring by Lloyd-Jones
- The Story of the Easter Robin by Mackall
- Simon and the Easter Miracle by Joslin
- Tale of Three Trees by Hunt
- The Thornbush

Children’s Devotions for Lent
My Path to Heaven – An Ignatian retreat for children (a family favorite!)

Jesus Tree – a guided Biblical reading of the story of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection
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