It’s no secret that reading through the liturgical year is one of my favorite ways to live the Catholic faith in our home. Throughout the year, I’m sharing Catholic Book Lists for each month. Today, I’m sharing the December Liturgical Book List.
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December Liturgical Book List
December Monthly Dedication: Month of the Immaculate Conception
1st Sts. Edmund Campion and Eloi
- Edmund Campion: Hero of God’s Underground, Vision series
- St. Eloi, from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
2nd St. Bibiana

3rd St. Francis Xavier
- Saint Francis Xavier , from More Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- Francis Xavier, from Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- St. Francis Xavier: Apostle of the Japanese , from The Book of Saints and Heroes, Lang
- St. Francis Xavier, from Lives of the Saints an Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- “X”, from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints, Nippert
- Saint Francis of the Seven Seas, (Vision series book)

4th Sts. John Damascene and Barbara
- St. Barbara , from Lives of the Saints an Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- Barbara , from Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- Saint Barbara , from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- Barbara, from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace
- Saint Barbara, from Women of Faith, Lee
- St. Barbara from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham
5th St. Sabas

6th St. Nicholas
- Saint Nicholas: The Real Story of the Christmas Legend, Stiegemeyer
- Saint Nicholas, Tompert
- The Story of Saint Nicholas: A Children’s Adaptation, Wagner
- Saint Nicholas and the Nine Gold Coins, Forest
- The Legend of Saint Nicholas, Grun
- Saint Nicholas and the Mouse of Myra, Stoeckl
- Nicholas of Myra: Giver of Many Gifts, Yoffie (Saints and Me! series)
- The Baker’s Dozen: A Saint Nicholas Tale, Shepard
- The Legend of Saint Nicholas, Demi
- Kersti and Saint Nicholas, Van Stockum
- A Gift from Saint Nicholas, Bolley
- The Real Santa Claus: Legends of Saint Nicholas, Mayer
- St. Nicholas , from Saints and Angels, Llellwyn
- “N” , from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints, Nippert
- Saint Nicholas , from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- Nicholas , from Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- St. Nicholas , from Lives of the Saints an Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- Nicholas, from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace

7th St. Ambrose
- Ambrose , from Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- Saint Ambrose and the Bees , from Brother Wolf, Sister Sparrow, Kimmel
- Ambrose, from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace
8th The Immaculate Conception
(any of the Marian Must Reads for Young Catholics)
especially appropriate:
- The Immaculate Conception, Winkler
9th St. Juan Diego
- Juan Diego: Mary’s Humble Messenger, Yoffie (Saints and Me! series)
- Talking Eagle and the Lady of Roses, Gollogly
- Saint Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Nobisso (Encounter the Saints series)
- (see also December 12th-Our Lady of Guadalupe)

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9th St. Valerie
- St. Valeria from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham
10th Our Lady of Loreto
11th St. Damasus I

12th Our Lady of Guadalupe
- The Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe Empress of the Americas, Walsh
- Our Lady of Guadalupe, Seranno
- The Beautiful Lady: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mora
- Our Lady of Guadalupe, Tesoriero
- Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bernier-Grand
- Our Lady of Guadalupe , from Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- Our Lady of Guadalupe, Lovasik

13th Sts. Lucy (Lucia) and Odilia
- Hanna’s Christmas, Peterson
- Lucia Morning in Sweden, Rydaker
- Lucia: Child of Light, Ekstrand
- Kirsten’s Surprise: A Christmas Story
- Lucia: Saint of Light, Bolger Hyde
- A Story of Saint Lucy, Ernest
- Lucy: A Light for Jesus, Yoffie (Saints and Me! series)
- Lucy , from Lives and Legends of the Saints: With Paintings from the Great Museums of the World, Armstrong
- Lucy , from Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- St. Lucy , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- “L”, from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints, Nippert
- Saint Lucy, from Women of Faith, Lee
- St. Lucy from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham
- Lucy, from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace
- Odilia, the Blind Princess, from Golden Legends of Young Saints, Daniel Rops
- “O” , from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints, Nippert
13th St. Jane
- St. Jane from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham

14th St. John of the Cross
- Saint John of the Cross , from More Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- John of the Cross, from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace

14th St. Sylvia
- St. Sylvia from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham

16th St. Alice
- St. Alice from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham
26th St. Stephen
- A Story of St. Stephen, Ernest
- Saint Stephen , from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- St. Stephen , from Saints and Angels, Llellwyn

27th St. John the Apostle
- Through the Eyes of John, Daybell
- John the Evangelist from The Twelve Apostles, Meyer
- St. John , from Saints and Angels, Llellwyn
- St. John the Apostle , from Lives of the Saints an Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero

28th Holy Innocents
- The Holy Inncocents , from Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki

29th St. Thomas Becket
- Saint Thomas Becket , from More Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- St. Thomas (Letter “T”) from An Alphabet of Saints, Benson
- Thomas Becket, from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace

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Marian Must Reads
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