One of my kids’ favorite treats is to stroll through the toy aisles when we are done with our shopping at our favorite big box store. I’m so glad we have a “look, not buy” rule as we peruse the cheap plastic, trampy-clad dolls, and commercialized junk contained within those four aisles. While children could be more than content with a handful of sturdy and meaningful toys, the toy corporations continue to mass produce ill-made “niceties” to market to the wee army of the world.
Well meaning grandparents often cater to their grandchildren’s fancies, purchasing and wrapping these trinkets up for birthdays, Christmas, and other occasions. While I’ve carefully and lovingly tried to direct our children’s grandparents to more appropriate, necessary, or meaningful gifts (you can find my list of 100+ Non-toy Gift Ideas here), these mass marketed treasures still seem to infiltrate the four walls of our home on occasion. Those toys I deem “junk” tend to magically disappear when the kids lose interest. “Hmmm…I do wonder what happened to that toy?” is my oft quoted motherly refrain. Often a chorus of “Mom probably threw it away,” seems to be the response.
Despite the junky toys we seem to see at every turn, there are toys that have staying power. Toys really do exist that feed our children’s imaginations, mind, and most importantly the soul – if you know where to look! That’s why when Christine Henderson from Jacob’s Toy Box and Books contacted me about reviewing one of her saint dolls, I jumped up and down like a little girl in the candy store and cried ,”Yes, yes, yes!”
Her business motto is “Inspiring a Love of the Catholic Faith” – she is a gal after my own heart!
But do particular toys really inspire faith? Do they truly work to form the souls of our little ones?
Is what my kid plays with really important?
I’m a questioner. I analyze my life and dig into my presuppositions to get to the heart of truth and wisdom. So when someone says the proper toys can inspire faith in our children, I don’t automatically assume it to be true. Toys “inspiring a love of Catholic faith”… Sounds catchy, sounds believable, but is it true?
You may already know the answer to that question for yourself, but I like to see proof. Let’s give rag doll St. Elizabeth of Hungary a go and see if these “holy toys” are really worth our hard earned money, shall we?
St. Elizabeth arrived unnoticed on our porch one day. I happened upon the box after the children were in bed, opened it, admired the sweet doll, and then set her on a table for my daughter to discover in the morning.
It didn’t take little Sally long to spot St. Elizabeth, ask who she was, and begin including her newest addition in her play.
The proof is in the pudding folks, and I’ve eaten my fill! This little doll has been at our home for just shy of 3 days as I write this post and already, we have talked so much about St. Elizabeth and of what made her a saint. We’ve read Roses in the Snow to learn more about the saint’s life and heart. Just last night, mommy and daughter snuggled in bed at night whispering about what a real princess is, how beauty blossoms from the inside out, and how we too can follow the path to heaven just like St. Elizabeth. Then, of course, there is the smile of joy on a little one’s face.
On a more practical side, I was very impressed with the construction of St. Elizabeth. As an amateur sewer, I can tell she is well made and will last as long as there are little ones to play with her. The colors of her clothes are well chosen and with her gorgeous yarn ringlets, she is as cute as dolls come.
As if these lovable dolls don’t win you over enough, let me share with you a little more about Christine and how her business came to be. I was so touched by what she shared with me and I know you will be too. In a minute we’ll meet more of the adorable dolls and toys she handcrafts.
Meet Christine of Jacob’s Toy Box and Books
Tell us about yourself…
I am a California girl who has been transplanted to Kansas–and love it. Yes, I miss the ocean and mountains, but I guess I must have always been a country girl, because I love living here. We have six living children–4 boys and 2 girls. My husband and I have been married almost 23 years ago. About 20 years ago my husband was offered a job here in Kansas and we made the move~no regrets. For about 8 years we lived on a hobby farm out here, but eventually got tired of all the upkeep and moved into “town” this year~again no regrets. Though God has given us crosses to carry, He has always been there to help us, and, through it all, my husband and I have grown closer. He is not only my husband and father to our children, but is also my best friend.
Why did you start your business?
I like to be doing something constantly with my hands so doing crafts has always been an enjoyable pastime for me. Over the years I have made dolls, stuffed animals and dress up clothes for my children to play with. I am a mom of 6 living children and 5 I am waiting to get to know when I reach Heaven. (Good incentive to make it to Heaven!) Three of those heavenly children I never met and two were stillborn -one at 27 weeks and one at 32 weeks. While pregnant with our son Jacob that died unexpectedly at 32 weeks, I made a stuffed dog for his crib. After his death I kept that stuffed dog near me and cuddled with it instead of my baby. My heart was broken again–2 years previously his sister was a stillborn at 27 weeks.
Seeing Mom with a stuffed animal prompted my two youngest sons to ask me to make them stuffed animals too. Knowing that I needed to shift my energy to something positive rather than dwelling on my loss, I began to sew, and sew, and sew. My oldest child told me I should start to sell these stuffed animals and also to make rag dolls like I had made her and her sister when they were little. I found an outlet for my grief through sewing these toys. I don’t think I will ever be able to say I don’t miss my babies that are in Heaven and I think about them daily, but I can honestly say, I have been able to move past the grief and have created my toy business as a special way to honor them. Over time I have added and varied my inventory. Over this past year I have started to focus my business on creating toys that inspire a love of the Catholic faith.
Why do you think beautiful and faith-filled toys are important to the faith formation of our children?
Kids love to play and what better way to encourage a child to love our faith than through play? Dressing up as a priest, monk or nun is a great way for children to become comfortable with the idea of a religious vocation as an adult.
The road to Heaven is very rocky and there are many pitfalls. We want our children to make it on as smooth a path as possible. If they learn about the saints in a fun way as a child and become use to talking/praying to them, they will be willing to ask them for guidance as they get older. I try to make the saints “loveable” by making the saint dolls.
There are so many various toys available to kids today, but I believe if they also have a few REAL Catholic toys that they can PLAY with, their faith can become much more a part of their everyday lives. Having religious paintings and statues are wonderful ways to decorate our homes and inspire us, but children need to be able to also have things they can play with and not worry about breaking. That is what I try to do with my toys~ Creating toys that inspire a love of the Catholic faith.
Since you are a veteran homeschool mom, I’d love your Titus 2 wisdom on forming our children…
My kids now range in age from almost 21 to 10. As a homeschooling family, we often read about the saints and my husband read aloud to our children stories about the faith such as “Catholic Tales for Boys and Girls” by Caryll Houselander. I think the biggest part of their formation was/is the praying of the family rosary EVERY DAY!
Anything else you want us to know about you?
Through my experiences with having stillborns, I have learned that miscarriages and stillbirths are rarely talked about and how so many women grieve silently about it. God has put on my heart to reach out to these other grieving women and I have started to give presentations to groups about how to help someone grieving the loss of a child. To read more about my presentations go to: http://www.
Where can we find you and your business?
You can find my products and find out more about me on:
- Etsy store
JacobsToyBoxandBooks - Store Website
- Blog: (Her blog has great posts about bringing the saints into your children’s lives in very practical ways – make sure to check it out!)
Consider following me on:
- Facebook
Jacobstoyboxandbooks - Pinterest
Meet the Saints!
Now that you’ve met Christine and know some of her beautiful story, I’m sure you are ready to see some of the unique toys she makes. They are timeless, well-crafted, and absolutely adorable! AND, if you don’t see your favorite saint among Christine’s listings, she will work with you to create the right doll just for you. Christine also has a blog where she shares simple and fun ways to introduce your children to the saints (Playing with the Saints).
So without further ado, meet…
St. Philomena
St. Zita
Our Lady of Lourdes
St. Rita
St. Cecilia
Other Jacob’s Toy Box Toys to Inspire the Faith
As if these dolls with the rag hair aren’t enough to melt a mama’s heart, Christine makes even more treasures for your Catholic child.
Inspire Vocations with Habits and Vestment Dress-ups
Rag Doll Priests
Felt Puzzles and Toys
So now for some fun! Hop over to Christine’s Etsy shop and peruse a bit. Come back here and share in the comments your favorite doll and list one more doll you think would make the next perfect rag doll saint for Christine to craft.
I’ll go first. I love our Elizabeth of Hungary, but would also love to see a St. Lucia. We love celebrating her feast day during Advent!
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