INSIDE: Self improvement and growth in the midst of busy motherhood!
We’ve been chatting about how we grow and learn even in the midst of busy Catholic motherhood.
- Busy Catholic Mama’s Guide to Self Education
- Busy Catholic Mama’s Guide to Learning the Catholic Faith
- Busy Catholic Mama’s Guide to Learn about Catholic Homeschooling
Today, I’ll be give you my favorite resources for bettering myself by conquering my thoughts, habits, physical health and life organization.

Busy Mama’s Guide to Self Improvement:
Conquer Thoughts/Habits/Attitudes
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
This book helps you take a step back and look at your life from an objective viewpoint: correcting negative thought patterns as well as setting and accomplishing goals. When I need to refocus, I reread this book!
Currently available free from Kindle unLimited!
can be listened to on Audible!
Order your life:
I’ve personally developed my own way of creating and implementing schedules and routines in our home that make life beautiful, but I still like the spiritual side of this book.
When my homemaking needs a bit of inspiration I’ll read the last few chapters as a sort of devotion.
READ: Read the Nourishing Routines series to help you create and use a workable routine to get your home and life in order!
I received a preview copy of this book before it was released. It helped me identify some areas of my life where I was overextending myself and not focusing on my priorities. Nothing earth shattering but a good reminder!
Get Your Money in Order:
This book is likeable for its down to earth yet foundational wisdom! Written for moms not financial wizards!
Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover
I’m not a Dave Ramsey groupie or anything. In fact, I never learned much from him considering he is just packaging the wisdom Husband and I got from our parents which has allowed us to be 100% debt free since age 31 (yep, mortgage too!).
BUT if you have no financial grounding or are struggling with debt, following him may be the ticket!
Health and Wellness:
This book is not a nutrition book nor does it promote a particular style of eating but it looks at eating in moderation and health from a Godly perspective.
Not Catholic but an inspiring read none the less!
This book is by far the BEST book I have ever read on nutrition. It is a compelling and surprisingly fun read despite the fact that it is filled with studies revealing the best approaches to nutrition.
This book holds the timeless wisdom that we’ve been given by our parents. These methods/mentality allow us to sit through Mass without trouble and take our kids anywhere.
We and Our Children: How to Make a Catholic Home
Parenting and homemaking from a Catholic perspective. Not a practical help book, but inspirational!
The 5 Love Languages: Love that Lasts
This book is great for married couples and parents! It really opened my eyes on how to love someone in a way they actually appreciate!
It is the help that so many tired, struggling Catholic parents need now!
Further Inspiration to {Catholic} Self Improvement:
- Why I threw Out my Fitness Videos
- Nourishing Routines series (get your home in order!)
- The Weekly Review: A Transforming Habit (with printable)
- {Catholic} Date Night In

I’d love know what resources have helped you develop and grow as a Catholic woman!
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