Easter Basket Books
Saints for Boys (4 year old)
Women of Faith: Saints and Martyrs of the Christian Faith (7 year old)
Saint Jose: Boy Cristero Martyr (9 year old)
Golden Legends of Young Saints (12 year old)

It was a strange Holy Week for us all.
In our little family, Husband came down with a nasty virus on St. Patrick’s Day (March 17th) and has been fighting it ever since. He has been self isolating in our room so it was just me and the kids for Holy Week/Easter celebrations.
After being kicked out of my room, Im now sleeping in the top bunk of my boys’ bunkbed – that’s interesting! I’m praying it doesn’t result in another quarantine ER visit (the first being the 12 year old’s broken arm).
Thankfully, I think Husband seems to be turning a corner this week. But I won’t mind one bit if you still offer a prayer on his behalf
The weather turned nasty (rain/hail/snow) on Holy Saturday, so the kids and I had to cancel our planned Easter Vigil bonfire and the Easter egg hunt on Sunday got moved indoors.
I’m grateful during this time that the troubles of the world seem above the children’s heads and that they can enter into the joy of a simple celebration and the comforts of old family traditions.
May we all let ourselves live little children during this time, resting and trusting in our heavenly Father.
A blessed Easter season to you and yours!
-The Rozycki’s
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