It’s no secret that reading through the liturgical year is one of my favorite ways to live the Catholic faith in our home. Throughout the year, I’m sharing Catholic Book Lists for each month. Today, I’m sharing the July Liturgical Book List.

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July Liturgical Book List

July Monthly Dedication: Month of the Precious Blood
1st St. Junipero Serra
- Serra: American Founding Father, Gasnick
- The Mission Bell, Politi
- The First Californian: The Story of Fray Junipero Serra, Demarest
- Song of the Swallows, Politi (not about Serra, but references him)
- Junipero Serra: Founder of the California Missions, Gondosch
- Junipero Serra: A Spanish Missionary– Social Studies Book for Kids, Nussbaum
- Junipero Serra and the California Missions: A Family Guide, Orfalea
- Wait for Me: The Life of Father Junipero Serra, Wallace
- Story of Junipero Serra, White (nonreligious)

3rd St. Thomas, the Apostle
- St. Thomas , from Saints and Angels, Llellwyn
- Thomas , from The Twelve Apostles, Meyer
- Thomas the Apostle , from Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- Thomas becomes a Believer: An Easter Story, Youd
- St. Thomas the Apostle , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Thomas, The Apostle, The Doubter , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord

4th St. Elizabeth of Portugal
- Elizabeth of Portugal, from Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki

4th Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati
- Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati: To the Summit, (Encounter the Saints series), Vasquez
- To the Heights: A Novel Based on the Life of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, Kenelly (my 12 year old and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book!)
5th St. Anthony Zaccaria
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6th St. Maria Goretti
- St. Maria Goretti , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Maria Goretti, from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord

7th St. Grace
- St. Grace from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham

8th St. Sunniva
- Saint Sunniva , from Women of Faith, Lee
9th Sts. Augustine Zhao Rong and companions
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11th St. Benedict
- The Life of Saint Benedict, McKenzie
- Saint Scholastica and Saint Benedict , from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- Saint Benedict from Light of Heaven, Hude
- St. Benedict , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Benedict , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- Saint Benedict, from Saints for Boys
- Benedict (Letter “B”) , from An Alphabet of Saints, Benson
- Saint Benedict: The Story of the Father of Western Monks, Windeatt
- St. Benedict: Hero of the Hills, Windeatt (Vision Series Book)
- A Story of St. Benedict, Ernest
- St. Benedict , from 57 Stories of Saints, Heffernan
- Benedict, from Stories of the Saints, Wallace
- St. Benedict, Father of Holy Monks , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
12th St. Veronica of the Veil
- St. Veronica , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- St. Veronica of the Way of the Cross , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord

13th St. Mildred
- St. Mildred from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham
13h St. Henry
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14th St. Kateri Tekakwitha
- Blessed Kateri Tekakwith , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- Kateri Tekakwitha, Yoffie (Saints and Me! series)
- Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha , from More Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- Saint Kateri Tekakwitha,from Light of Heaven, Hude
- Saint Kateri Tekakwitha: Lily of the Mohawks, Lovasik
- Native Spirit: The Story of Kateri Tekakwitha, Castell
- Mohawk Glory: Kateri Tekakwitha, Sister Grace
- Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha , from 57 Stories of Saints, Heffernan
- St. Kateri Tekakwith, Native American , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord

14th St. Francis Solano

15th St. Bonaventure
- St. Bonaventure , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Bonaventure, The Franciscan Writer
- Bonaventure , from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace

15th St. Swithin
- Swithin, from More Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
16th Our Lady of Mount Carmel

18th St. Camillus de Lellis
- A Soldier Surrenders: The Conversion of Saint Camillus de Lellis, Peek
- Camillus de Lellis , from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace
- St. Camillus de Lellis , from 57 Stories of Saints, Heffernan
- St. Camillus, The Minister to the Sick , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
- Gamble for God, Daughters of St. Paul
20th St. Apollinaris
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20th Saint Margaret of Antioch
- St. Margaret of Antioch , from Women of Faith, Lee
21st St. Lawrence of Brindisi
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22nd St. Mary Magdalene
- St. Mary Magdalene, from Saints and Angels, Llellwyn
- Mary Magdalene, from Lives and Legends of the Saints: With Paintings from the Great Museums of the World, Armstrong
- Mary Magdalene, from Tapestries: Stories of Women in the Bible, Sanderson
- St. Mary Magdalen , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Mary Magdalene, the Forgiven One , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
- Saint Mary Magdalene ,from Light of Heaven, Hude

23rd St. Bridget of Sweden
- Saint Bridget of Sweden , from More Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- St. Bridget , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik

24th St. Christine
- St. Christine from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham
24th St. Sharbel Makhluf
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25th St. James
- James the Elder , from The Twelve Apostles, Meyer
- James the Greater , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- James the Greater , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord

25th St. Christopher
- Saint Christopher, Potamitis
- Legend of Saint Christopher, Hodges
- Christopher: The Holy Giant, dePaoloa
- A Story of Saint Christopher, Ernest
- Christopher , from Stories of the Saints, Wallace
- Legend of Saint Christopher: Quest for a King, Lee (Graphic novel)
- Christopher, from Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- St. Christopher , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- St. Christopher , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- Christopher , from Lives and Legends of the Saints: With Paintings from the Great Museums of the World, Armstrong
- St. Christopher , from Saints and Angels, Llellwyn
- St. Christopher, from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- Christopher (Letter “C”) from An Alphabet of Saints, Benson
- St. Christopher, The Christ Bearer , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord

26th Sts. Joachim and Anne
- Joachim and Anne: Love for Generations, Yoffie (Saints and Me! series)
- Anne , from Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- St. Anne , from Saints and Angels, Llellwyn
- St. Anne , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- St. Joachim and Anne, from 57 Stories of Saints, Heffernan
- St. Joachim , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Anne , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Ann, Mother of the Blessed Virgin , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord

26th St. Paraskeva of Rome
- Saint Paraskeva of Rome , from Women of Faith, Lee

26th St.Bartholomea
- Saint Bartholomea, from 57 Stories of Saints, Heffernan

27th Sts. Maximianus, Malchus, Martinianus, Dionysius, Joammes, Serapion, and Constantius
- Seven Sleepers of Ephesus , from More Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- St. Malchus: Captive Monk, from The Book of Saints and Heroes, Lang

29th St. Martha
- Martha , from More Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- St. Martha, from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- Mary and Martha , from Tapestries: Stories of Women in the Bible, Sanderson
- Martha, Sister of Mary Magdalene, from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
- Sts. Martha and Sarah from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham

29th St. Beatrice
- St. Beatrice from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham
30th St. Peter Chrysologus
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31st St. Ignatius of Loyola
- Saint Ignatius of Loyola: Leading the Way, Matas (graphic novel)
- St. Ignatius of Loyola , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- Saint Ignatius of Loyola, from More Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- St. Ignatius, A Martyr and a Jesuit , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
- St. Ignatius of Loyola, from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- Ignatius (Letter “I”) from An Alphabet of Saints, Benson
- Saint Ignatius of Loyola: For the Greater Glory of God, Encounter the Saints series
- Saint Ignatius and the Company of Jesus, Vision Series book
- St. Ignatius of Loyola: In God’s Service, Sklar
- Ignatius of Loyola , from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace

Enjoyed the July Liturgical Book List? Here are more helps for the month of July:
Creating a Liturgical Year Binder
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