It’s no secret that reading through the liturgical year is one of my favorite ways to live the Catholic faith in our home. Throughout the year, I’m sharing Catholic Book Lists for each month. Today, I’m sharing the June Liturgical Book List.

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Read Through the Catholic Year includes:
- liturgical book lists for every month of the year
- Marian book list
- Rosary book list
- Catholic chapter book list
- Catholic bookshelf essentials list
- Catholic living for kids book list
- Advent & Christmas book list
- Lent & Easter book list

June Liturgical Book List
Monthly Dedication: Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Promises of the Sacred Heart, Lovasik
- The Story of the Sacred Heart, Lord
- St. Margaret Mary: And the Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Windeatt
- Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque: And the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Encounter the Saints series
1st St. Justin
- (no books found)
2nd Sts. Marcellinus and Peter
- (no books found)

3rd Sts. Charles Lwanga and companions
- The Young Martyrs of Uganda, from Golden Legend of Young Saints, Daniel-Rops
- Paul Miki and Charles Lwanga, from Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints
3rd St. Clothilde
3rd St. Kevin
- The Blackbird’s Nest: Saint Kevin from Ireland, Schroedel
- St. Kevin , from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- St. Kevin and the Otters, from Brother Wolf, Sister Sparrow, Kimmel
- St. Kevin , from 57 Stories of Saints, Heffernan

5th St. Boniface
- St. Boniface , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
6th St. Norbert
- Norbert (Letter “N”), from An Alphabet of Saints, Benson
9th St. Columba
- St. Colum and the Crane, Betz
- Across a Dark and Wild Sea, Brown
- The Legend of Saint Columba, Colum
- Saint Colmcille (Irish Myths, Legends, and Heroes)
- St. Columba: The Exiled Monk , from The Book of Saints and Heroes, Lang
- St. Columba , from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- Columcille, from Twenty Tales of Irish Saints, Curtayne
9th St. Ephrem of Syria
- St. Ephrem , from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson

10th St. Margaret
- St. Margaret, from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham

11th St. Barnabas
- St. Barnabas , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik

11th St. Olga
- St. Olga, from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham

13th St. Anthony of Padua
- St. Anthony of Padua (letter “A”) , from An Alphabet of Saints, Benson
- St. Anthony of Padua, Lovasik
- Anthony of Padua: Wonder Worker, Yoffie (Saints and Me! series)
- St. Anthony of Padua, from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Anthony the Miracle Worker , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
- St. Anthony of Padua , from More Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- St. Anthony , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- Anthony of Padua , from Stories of the Saints, Wallace
- St. Anthony and the Christ Child, Vision Series Book
- St. Anthony: Fire and Light, Encounter the Saints series
- Saint Anthony of Padua: Proclaimer of the Good News, Baudouin-Croix (Along the Paths of the Gospel series)
- St. Anthony of Padua , from 57 Stories of Saints, Heffernan

15th St. Germaine
- Saint Germaine and the Sheep, Betz (Saints and Friendly Beasts series)
- St. Germaine, from 57 Stories of Saints, Heffernan
19th St. Romuald
- (no books found)

19th St. Gillian
- St. Gillian, from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham

21st St. Aloysius Gonzaga
- St. Aloysius Gonzaga, the Little Jesuit, from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
- St. Aloysius Gonzaga , from 57 Stories of Saints, Heffernan
- Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, from Saints for Boys
- St. Aloysius Gonzaga , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- Aloysius Gonzaga Played Ball , from Golden Legend of Young Saints, Daniel-Rops
- Aloysius Gonzaga, from Stories of the Saints, Wallace
22nd St Paulinus
- (no books found)

22nd St. Thomas More
- St. Thomas More , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Thomas More of London Town, Brady
- Saint Thomas More of London, Vision Saint series
- St. Thomas More , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- Thomas More: Faith-filled Father, Yoffie (Saints and Me! series)
- St. Thomas More: Courage, Conscience, and the King, Jablonski (Encounter the Saints series)
22nd St. John Fisher
- (no books found)

23rd St. Audrey
- St. Audrey, from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham

24th Nativity of John the Baptist
- St. John the Baptist , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- John the Baptist, from Lives and Legends of the Saints: With Paintings from the Great Museums of the World, Armstrong
- St. John the Baptist, from Saints and Angels, Llellwyn
26th St. Josemaria Escriva
- (no books found)
27th St. Cyril of Alexandria
- (no books found)

29th Sts. Peter and Paul
- St. Peter, The Rock, from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
- Saint Peter: The Apostle, Lovasik
- St. Peter , from 57 Stories of Saints, Heffernan
- Saint Peter, Light of Heaven: A Children’s Book of Saints, Hude
- Saint Peter, from The Apostles of Jesus, Lovasik
- Peter, Apostle of Jesus: The Life of a Saint, Grebille
- Story of Saint Peter: Stories of Saints for Kids, Pipy
- Peter and Paul, from Lives and Legends of the Saints: With Paintings from the Great Museums of the World, Armstrong
- St. Peter the Apostle , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- The Man Who Never Died: The Life and Adventures of St. Peter, the first Pope, Brennan
- The First Christians: The Acts of the Apostles for Children, Hunt
- St. Peter , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- St. Peter , from Saints and Angels, Llellwyn
- Peter , from The Twelve Apostles, Meyer
- St. Peter’s Story, Thomas
- Our Holy Father, the Papacy from Saint Peter to the Present,Caffery
- St. Paul, The Communicator , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
- St. Paul , from 57 Stories of Saints, Heffernan
- St. Paul the Apostle , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- Paul the Apostle , from Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints
- St. Paul , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- Adventures of Saint Paul
- The Great Hero
- St. Paul, The Apostle: The Story of the Apostle to the Gentiles, Windeatt
- St. Paul, from Saints and Angels, Llellwyn
- Saint Paul from The Apostles of Jesus, Lovasik
- Saint Paul: The Thirteenth Apostle, Encounter the Saint series
29th Sts. Judith and Salome
- Sts. Judith and Salome, from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham
30th First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
- (no books found)

Other June Liturgical Living Helps:
Sacred Heart Hummus and Veggie Dip
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Outstanding book list! Thank you
Thanks so much, Chris! I hope it is a blessing to you!