It occurs to me that while I’ve been writing here for about a year, I’ve given you very few glimpses into my “real life” and the real me. It isn’t that I’ve meant to be unfriendly, but rather, I’ve been trying to discern how much is appropriate to broadcast to the wide world.
When I reflect on the blogs I love the most, I realize that the author is open with their life. In fact, those real life posts are often the posts I enjoy and endear me to them the most! I do not blog here to make arm loads of cash (though I’ve never been known to turn down money!), but, rather, I want to encourage young mothers (especially Catholic mothers) with some of the wisdom I’ve gleaned. I have been blessed with a wonderful Catholic tribe of real life mothers, and I want to be a part of building an online tribe for those who aren’t so blessed.
How can I be your friend if you don’t know me? It is hard for a private person like me to open up about my real life, but I want you to know me better. I’ll be trying to post a little more regularly about what is going on in my life, and I hope you will join in the conversation via the comments.
Here’s what is going on in my corner of the world…
We started school
While we do math and some writing everyday during the summer, we dove headfirst into the school year. We are using Mother of Divine Grace again this year (though we are still not enrolled). I continue to love how using MODG has simplified not only my planning time but also our day-to-day. Jim is a 4th grader this year and Apollo is a Kindergartner. Sally usually tags along and is found sitting at the table with us – as you will see, she is sporting a rosary – it never hurts to ask the Blessed Mother for help! Now if only I could get that red head to pose nicely. He has the typical redhead personality. At least the stuffed lambs look decent.
Last Friday, I ripped apart our living room and started replacing the gold with a neutral white. I was never crazy about the gold color, and it has finally time for it to exit the building. I’m having a heck of a time finding the right shade of white! All the oak woodwork and the floor have a very orange cast and they transform the different shades of whites I’ve tried into some weird science experiment. One shade has a green cast and the next is bluish.
I posted a picture on Facebook and the wife of a high school friend (who happens to be very gifted in design) suggested I use a true white color called Lambs Wool. I got a sample and it seems to be the color I’ve been looking for. I’m headed to the paint store today to pick up a couple gallons so I can get this project finished. A week after starting – it is about time!
Other household projects…
Husband and I seem to be playing catch-up after his nasty bout with Mono earlier this summer. Living in an older home, there are always lots of little projects and repairs and they seem to have piled up on us.
Gallery wall on the stairs
Husband helped me hang a whole bunch of pictures on our massive stairway to make a gallery wall. I had no idea I was storing so many frames – I didn’t have to purchase a single one for this project! The chair rail (not original) is not at the right level, but I’m trying to make the best of it. Removing it would involve repainting this massive stairway – a huge undertaking! The gallery wall isn’t designer perfect, but I love having so many pictures of our family on display for free!
Shelves in the bathrooms
Our bathrooms are a little short on storage, so Husband has been helping me hang some shelves. They are open shelves, so I’m working on trying to make our “stuff” look nice on them. That is a challenge for a non-designer like myself! Any tips? Might help if I had matching towels, but I hate to plunk money down on something new when I have something perfectly good.
Organizing the basement and garage
I love to keep an orderly picked-up home. I have my hands full with the main living areas of our home, so I’ve asked Husband to take over the garage and basement. However, he is not a natural born organizer (God bless him!). We’ve been hanging on to a lot of “stuff” just in case we need it someday, and both the garage and the basement are in need of a decluttering and cleaning. Husband works best if I work alongside of him, so we have been chipping away at the basement together in the evenings while the kids play around us. We live in an old home, so the after will definitely not be Pinterest perfect, but we hope the areas are more functional and efficient. I’m enjoying using my new favorite label maker in this project. It is semi-addicting. Here is a very scary photo of the project in process. It seems projects like these always get messier before things get better. Now how is that for real life?
Things I’m wanting to try…

Ballet Beautiful I’ve gotten some encouragement to give Ballet Beautiful a try after posting about why I threw out my fitness DVDs. I took the plunge and bought it, and now I’m eager to try it out. However, our DVD player in our new computer does not seem to read DVDs well and we do not have a DVD player for the TV. In fact, we only just got a TV 2 weeks ago – a hand-me-down from the in-laws basement. Our TV-free home has come to an end, although it will only be turned on for the occasional movie. Anyway, I’m hoping to order a DVD player so I can finally try this workout! Sally wants to do it right alongside of me.
Stitch Fix I’m also considering using StitchFix. I’ll be honest and say that I NEVER thought I would use this service. I really enjoy searching out clothing bargains at Salvation Army and garage sales, but my time seems to get shorter and shorter. I do keep my clothing closet pared down, but I would like to have an even smaller wardrobe that I really love and can create a whole bunch of looks from. I have a friend who seems to enjoy the StitchFix process. Do any of you have any hints or experiences you’d like to share?
Things I’m reading…
You know I’m a big reader. There is always a book close at hand in this house. While I love pretty much anything nonfictional, my current reads are all about the faith. Here are the books laying around my house right now…
Sermons of the Cure of Ars Let me just say that the sermons preached by the Cure were anything but watered down. I’m getting a swift kick in my religious pants!
Holiness for Housewives I love to pick this book up every year. It is always a breath of fresh air when I get discouraged in my walk with the Lord. It is such a simple read, but very profound and encouraging.
If you’ve been lurking here for a while, I would love if you would drop me a comment!
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I have to recommend the lifestyle/decorating book “The Nesting Place” by Myquillyn Smith. It sounds cheesy, but it changed my life! I say the theme of the book, “It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful,” all the time.
This book takes you from someone who thinks she doesn’t have an eye for decor to someone who lives in a house that makes her happy. Anywho, just wanted to pass it along. 🙂
And, hello! I don’t like to think of myself as a lurker…more of a blog observer. 🙂
I used to follow her blog all the time and somewhere along the line got off track there. Her book has been on my to read list for awhile! I’ll have to check it out! I’m glad you commented and didn’t just lurk. Though I also tend to be an observer rather than a commenter myself!