Be inspired with little ways to show your husband you love him!
I’m still trying to break out of survival mode in many ways after having a little one last summer.
One of the ways I need to break out of “just getting by” is in my marriage. I’ve been a real slacker when it comes to showing my love for my husband and I want to change that!
The truth is I love my husband so much more now than I did when we got married almost ten years ago, BUT life has a tendency to get in the way of my SHOWING him that love.
This has been on my mind and heart for a while now, and today I finally took some time to sit down and brainstorm some ways I can love on my man.
Some of the little ways are free, most are cheap, and all of them are sure to remind him of how much he means to me!
I’ve centered them around Gary Chapman’s book the Five Love Languages, which is a must read for married couples.
I added in a spiritual element and also a list of things to AVOID.
Now don’t get me wrong, I do many of these already, but I know there is always room for improvement.
I’m committing to practicing a minimum of one of these ways EVERY day until Valentine’s Day. They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit, so by the time February 14th rolls around, I will hopefully be a lot more conscious of my need to show him love on a daily basis.
I hope you can find inspiration to rekindle your marriage in this list and don’t forget to grab the free printable cheat sheet below!

Little Ways to Show Your Husband Love
Spiritual Ways to Show Your Husband Love
Ask him how you can pray for him every week (and then actually do it!).
Pray over him! Literally, put your hand on him and pray aloud for him. I feel so loved when Husband does this for me!
Make a spiritual bouquet for him. (What is a spiritual bouquet?) This can be done by you or WITH the kids!
Pray a novena for him. You can let him know you are praying for him by giving him a prayer card of the novena inside a hand written note.
Take his prayer requests to adoration or offer them up at Mass.
Pray together
More: How to Start Praying with Your Husband
Learn the faith together (through watching talks or reading books together).
Attend a Catholic conference together.
Allow him to lead spiritually.
Do not undermine his authority in front of the children.
Ask forgiveness.
GRAB your FREE PRINTABLE CHEAT SHEET in the Subscriber Printable Library!

Show your husband love through service
Drop a treat off at his workplace (coffee, lunch, homemade dessert).
Stock the freezer with grab and go meals he can take to work.
Set out his coffee and breakfast dishes the night before.
Wake him up with a hot cup of coffee, a kiss, and hand him his Bible for some uninterrupted devotion time while you take care of the children in the morning.
Make him his favorite meal.
Do one of his jobs for him without being asked (mow the yard, take out the trash, clean the garage).
Set up a restaurant date at home. Feed your children before hand and then let them wait on you!
If you use his car, wash it, fill it up, and clean it out!
When was the last time you had a picture taken together? Make sure to hand your camera to your kids so they can take a picture of the two of you together. Our oldest loves to do this! (The image of Husband and me (below) were taken by our 8 year old son!)
Be kind to his family. Be forgiving and agreeable with them.
Throw his towel in the dryer while he is in the shower, then hand him a nice hot towel when he gets out!
Have the kids make him art and cards.
Wear the clothes he likes on you and take time to make yourself presentable daily (says the lady typing in her workout clothes and messy bun- ha!).
Keep yourself healthy and in good shape.
Make sure the kids are clean and presentable when he comes home from work. (wipe their little faces!!!)
Ask, “What can I do for you today?”

Love him through encouragement
Write him a note and stick it in his lunch or work bag (maybe a Bible verse as an encouragement).
Send an email or text to tell him you are thinking about him.
Slow down, look him in the eye and give him a sincere compliment.
Brag about him to your friends right in front of him.
Thank him for everything he does for your family (financial support, working hard, chores, love, and care, etc.)
Say “I love you” and mean it! Say it often!
Sing a love song to him (this can be done seriously or humorously!)
Avoid complaining and nagging like the plague!!!
Avoid criticizing him.
Be a joyful personality to be around – no one likes a grouch!
Don’t blame him when something goes wrong.
Be willing to forgive and point out your own mistakes when he admits his.
Show your love through gifts
Give him a little present for no reason (book, tickets to an event, CD).
Leave notes around the house for him to find as he goes about his day.
Serve something special at any meal (fancy dessert, wine, etc.).
Surprise him with takeout from his favorite restaurant.
Make an amazing picnic supper and then take him and the kids to a park to eat!
Do something important to him. Is this visiting his family? Going on vacation? Letting him enjoy a hobby guilt-free?
Buy him a treat every time you go to the grocery store. (What is his favorite snack food?)
Show your love through time
Enjoy one of his hobbies with him.
Secretly schedule a babysitter (or swap with a friend) and enjoy an evening out together.
Look at him in the eye when you talk to him or when he is speaking (stop multitasking!….not that I would know about that!).
Make sure your kids go to bed earlier than you so you can have time to talk, watch a movie, or read together. (See more about our Catholic Date Night In.)
Let him be the one to do the talking once in a while. Don’t interrupt, look him in the eye, don’t judge, and don’t try to fix it (I don’t know anything about that either!).
Work out together (go for a run, hike, etc.)
Learn together.
Read a book together.
Don’t interrupt.
Smile at him.
Ask him about his day.
Show your love through physical touch
Whenever he comes home, stop what you are doing and greet him with a big hug and kiss (now is not the time to dump your day on him!). Get your kids excited about his arrival too!
Give him a massage (hand, foot, or back!)
Give him little touches throughout the day (hold hands, touch his back, etc.).
Turn on some music and dance together!
Are you with me? Challenge yourself to complete one of these little acts of love every day until Valentine’s.
What are your favorite ways to show your man you love him?

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