It’s no secret that reading through the liturgical year is one of my favorite ways to live the Catholic faith in our home. Throughout the year, I’m sharing Catholic Book Lists for each month. Today, I’m sharing the September Liturgical Book List.

If you love this book list, you will love Read Through the Catholic Year, a liturgically inspired 60+ page printable book list.
Read Through the Catholic Year includes:
- liturgical book lists for every month of the year
- Marian book list
- Rosary book list
- Chapter book list for older Catholics
- Catholic bookshelf essentials list
- Spiritual living for kids book list
- Advent & Christmas book list
- Lent & Easter book list

September Liturgical Book List
September Monthly Dedication: Month of the Seven Sorrows of Mary
1st St. Giles
- St. Giles and the Doe, from Brother Wolf, Sister Sparrow, Kimmel
1st St. Anna
- St. Anna, from Tapestries: Stories of Women in the Bible, Sanderson
2nd Sts. Eustace and Companions
- Eustace , from Lives and Legends of the Saints: With Paintings from the Great Museums of the World, Armstrong

3rd St. Gregory the Great
- Gregory (Letter “G”) , from An Alphabet of Saints, Benson
- St. Gregory the Great , from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- St. Gregory the Great , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Gregory, The Great Pope , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
- Gregory the Great, from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace

3rd St. Simeon the Stylite, the Younger
- Simeon , from More Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- St. Simeon Stylite: Saint on a Pillar , from The Book of Saints and Heroes, Lang
- Simeon Stylites , from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace

4th St. Hermione
- Saint Hermione, from Women of Faith, Lee

5th St. Teresa of Calcutta
- Blessed Teresa of Calcutta , from More Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- Mother Teresa: The Smile of Calcutta, Grossetete
- Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Bay
- St. Teresa of Kolkata: Missionary of Charity, Glavich (Encounter the Saints series)
- Teresa of Calcutta , from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace
- Bl. Teresa of Calcutta from 57 Saint Stories, Heffernan
- Saint Teresa of Calcutta,from Light of Heaven, Hude
8th Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- (any books from the Marian Must Reads for Young Catholics list)
8th St. Adrian
- St. Adrian of Nicomedia , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero

9th St. Peter Claver
- Peter Claver, Patron Saint of Slaves, Durango
- Peter Claver , from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace
- St. Peter Claver , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
9th St. Ciaran
12th The Most Holy Name of Mary
- (any books from the Marian Must Reads for Young Catholics list)

13th St. John Chrysostom
- Saint John Chrysostom , from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- John Chrysostom , from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace

14th Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- A Tale of Three Trees: A Traditional Folktale, Hunt
- The Legend of the Three Trees, Taylor
- The Three Trees: A Traditional Folktale, Pasquala
- (see also any books on St. Helen here, feast day August 18)
14th St. Nortburga
- St. Nortburga and the Pigs , from Brother Wolf, Sister Sparrow, Kimmel

15th Our Lady of Sorrows
- Check out any of the Marian Must Reads for Young Catholics
- We love this Marian coloring pages set which features Our Lady of Sorrows from Delphina Rose Art
16th Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian

16th St. Edith
- St. Edith from Sixty Saints for Girls, Windham

17th St. Robert Bellarmine
- St. Robert Bellarmine , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Robert, The Monk , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord

17th Hildegard of Bingen
- Hildegard of Bingen , from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace
- Hildegard of Bingen: Scientist, Composer, Healer, and Saint, Demi

18th St. John Masias

18th St. Joseph of Cupertino
- Joseph of Cupertino , from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace
19th St. Januarius
- none
20th Sts. Andrew Kim Tae-gon and Paul Chong Ha-sang
- none

21st St. Matthew
- Matthew from The Twelve Apostles, Meyer
- St. Matthew , from Saints and Angels, Llellwyn
- St. Matthew , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- St. Matthew the Evangelist , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Matthew, Writer of the Gospel , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord

23rd St. Pius of Pietrelcina
- Padre Pio: Saint for Reconciliation, Yoffie (Saints and Me! series)
- St. Pio of Pietrelcina: Rich in Love, Bertanzetti (Encounter the Saints series)
- St. Pius of Pietrelcina , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- Saint Padre Pio , from More Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- Padre Pio, Winkler
- St. Padre Pio, The Miracle Priest , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord

23rd St. Thecla
- A Saint and His Lion: The Story of Tekla of Ethiopia, Stone
- Thecla from 57 Saint Stories, Heffernan

26th Sts. Cosmas and Damian
- Cosmas and Damian , from Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- Sts. Cosmas and Damian, The Twin Doctors , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord

27th St. Vincent de Paul
- St. Vincent de Paul: Servant of Charity
- St. Vincent, Friend of the Poor, Varela
- Vincent de Paul , from Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- St. Vincent de Paul , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- Saint Vincent de Paul: Founder of Hospitals , from The Book of Saints and Heroes, Lang
- St. Vincent de Paul , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- Saint Vincent de Paul , from More Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- St. Vincent de Paul , from Saints for Boys
- St. Vincent (Letter “V”) , from An Alphabet of Saints, Benson
- Saint Vincent de Paul: Saint of Charity, Hubbard (Vision series)
- Vincent de Paul , from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace
- St. Vincent de Paul, the Orphan Saint , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord

28th St. Wenceslaus
- Wenceslaus (Letter “W”) , from An Alphabet of Saints, Benson
- A Story of St. Wenceslaus, Ernest
- Wenceslaus , from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace
28th Lawrence Ruiz and Companions
- none

29th Sts. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael (Michaelmas)
- Michael the Archangel: Protector of God’s People, Yoffie (Saints and Me! series)
- Archangel Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, from Saints and Angels, Llellwyn
- St. Michael , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Gabriel the Archangel , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Raphael , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- Angels: God’s Messengers and Our Helpers, Lovasik
- Archangel Gabriel , from Saints for Boys
- Archangel Michael , from Saints for Boys
- St. Michael, Warrior and Archangel , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
- St. Raphael, the Guide , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
- St. Gabriel, The Announcer , from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
- Heavenly Helpers , from Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints, Pochoki
- Michael and All Angels , from Lives and Legends of the Saints: With Paintings from the Great Museums of the World, Armstrong
- St. Gabriel the Archangel , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- St. Michael the Archangel , from Lives of the Saints: An Illustrated History for Children, Tesoriero
- The Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, from 57 Saint Stories, Heffernan

30th St. Jerome
- Jerome and the Lion, Hodges
- St. Jerome and the Lion, Godden
- Jerome , from Lives and Legends of the Saints: With Paintings from the Great Museums of the World, Armstrong
- St. Jerome: The Saint with the Lion , from The Book of Saints and Heroes, Lang
- Saint Jerome and the Lion, from Legends of Saints and Beasts, Jauss
- Saint Paula and Saint Jerome , from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, Sanderson
- Jerome (Letter “J) , from An Alphabet of Saints, Benson
- Jerome , from Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage, Wallace
- St. Jerome , from Picture Book of Saints, Lovasik
- St. Jerome, The Translator, from Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Catholic Children, Lord
Other helps for the month of September:
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