We waited so long for spring this year, but now that spring showers have replaced mid-April snowstorms, the grass is greening up and the daffodils and tulips are sharing in our joyful welcome of spring. I find such joy in using real flowers for the feast table!
May Feast Days:
- 1st St. Joseph the Worker
- 2nd St. Athanasius
- 3rd Sts. Philip and John
- 13th Our Lady of Fatima
- 14th St. Matthias
- 22nd St. Rita of Cascia
- 26th St. Philip Neri
- 27th St. Augustine of Canterbury
- 30th St. Joan of Arc
- 31st Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our favorite May liturgically inspired books:
- Take it to the Queen**
- Mary: The Mother of Jesus (DePaola)
- Mary, Mother of Jesus (Joslin)
- The Virgin Mary Around the World
- The Twelve Apostles ( May 3rd) by Mayer
- The Children of Fatima by Windeatt ( May 13th)
Resources for the Month of May:
- Marian Must Reads for Young Catholics
- May Feast Table (includes a much more extensive book list)
- Rosary in a Month Challenge
What I’m reading this month:
I was recently given quite a few hand-me-down books that I am very excited to work my way through. Currently, I’m working on the following spiritual reads alongside my daily Bible reading and prayer time.
- Fatima in Lucia’s Own Words (the kindle version is much more reasonable)
- The Soul of the Apostolate
There is so much in these books to digest that I’m taking my sweet time and savoring what the Lord is teaching me. I highly recommend The Soul of the Apostolate, which has been on my “to read” list for some time. There is so much for us active mothers to consider in this gem!
No day is complete at our house without an original song from this dynamic duo. Is it not fitting that today the ditty was in honor of Mary?
You can watch them sing a song in honor of Mary here
(at least I hope you can-sometimes being a non-techy has drawbacks!)
I was so struck by Jacinta’s poignant reflections on Our Lady as I read last night from Fatima in Lucia’s Own Words. Jacinta is a family favorite and I find in her a soul so like my own children – simple and profound.
“Jacinta also loved going out at nightfall to the threshing floor situated close to the house; there she watched the beautiful sunsets, and contemplated the starry skies. She was enraptured with the lovely moonlit nights. We vied with each other to see who could count the most stars. We called the stars Angels’ lamps, the moon Our Lady’s lamp and the sun Our Lord’s. This led Jacinta to remark sometimes:
‘You know, I like Our Lady’s lamp better; it doesn’t burn us up or blind us, the way Our Lord’s does.'”
Thank you for the great book suggestions! I am wondering if you (or any readers) are familiar with the book “Marian Consecration for Children” by Carrie Gress. I ran into the book online recently and am interested in the idea but reluctant to buy it based on just internet reviews. If any moms have used this book, I would appreciate hearing from you! Thanks!
So sorry this reply is so delayed. Life. I’m familiar with the book but haven’t looked at it or used it. My sil just got it and I’m excited to hear what she has to say about it.