Inside: What to give up for Lent ideas!
I’ve given up coffee, sweets, and complaining.
It’s never easy- but that is the whole point, isn’t it?
My sacrifices are so little and soooo far from perfect. Throughout Lent I’m reminded of just how incredibly weak I am.
As this year’s Lent approaches, I’m considering what will be my little sacrifice this year. Consequently, I’ve gathered a mega list of ideas for what to give up for Lent.
Today I’m sharing that mega list with you. Hopefully you will be inspired just like me!
(Find the printable version of this list in the Subscriber Printable Library.)
50+ Ideas for what to give up for Lent

16 Foods to give up for Lent
- Chocolate
- Candy
- Desserts
- Coffee
- coffee creamer
- Pop
- Alcohol
- Tea
- drink only water
- Red meat
- all meat (go vegetarian!)
- Animal products (go vegan!)
- Condiments
- Snacking
- take out
- take up intermittent fasting
10 Habits to sacrifice for Lent
- Swearing
- Sleeping in
- Comparison
- Complaining
- Gossiping or listening to gossip
- Negativity
- Overeating
- Checking your phone
- Skipping schedule exercise
- Arguing

7 Activities to give up
- Social media
- watching Youtube/Netflix/TV
- games on your devices
- listening to the radio
- unnecessary shopping or shopping at a specific store (Target?)
- secular music
7 Luxuries as a Lent sacrifice
- hot showers/baths
- wearing makeup
- turn the heat down
- checking your reflection
- choice of clothing (limit to several outfits)
- headphones
- buying new clothes
9 Things to ADD as a Lenten sacrificial practice
Don’t forget that we can also add in spiritual practices or other activities as a Lenten sacrificial practice.
- listen to religious music only
- decluttering (40 bags in 40 days?)
- donate your time
- donate gently used items
- daily Mass
- daily Rosary
- weekly adoration
- confession
- exercising

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