My husband and I have been having an ongoing discussion about the impressionability of our children, especially when it comes to their sexuality (it’s one of those things we talk about when the kids are tucked in for the night). We are vigilant in what we say, what we watch, and what we do.
A while ago, my husband approached me about getting rid of my fitness DVDs. These fitness DVDs feature bouncy, scantily clad women often using borderline (or downright!) vulgar speech (*cough*..Jillian Michaels..*cough*). It is obvious why most mass market fitness DVDs just don’t belong in a Christian home.
My first reaction was, “Say what?!?” Here I am trying to be healthy and these tools help me accomplish that goal. I’m just “tending the temple,” right?
Fitness DVDs are economical in comparison to an elliptical or gym membership, but, over the years, I’ve collected a number of them. I’ve probably spent $50-100 overall, which is a lot of money in my corner of the world. This cheapskate just wasn’t up for figuratively burning a one hundred dollar bill! (Ask my hubby how feisty I am when I am in my money-saving mode!)
I knew my husband was right, but I just wasn’t ready to give them up. Not yet!
My husband, ever so patient, just let the subject drop, respecting the fact that they were “my” DVDs (as much as anything is “mine” in our marriage) and it was my decision to make.
But it just kept weighing on me! I’d pop one in and get to working out. In the background, I’d hear my children playing in the other room. Occasionally, one would jump in and join me for a stretch.
I became more and more aware of what I was conveying to my children by letting these things remain in my home. Yes, I’m setting a great example by taking care of my body, but I am allowing something less than holy into my home in the process.
Would I let one of these instructors prance into my home with their little sports bra and speak that way around my children? No way! So why was I letting these DVDs stay in my home?
It’s one of those God things that maybe isn’t that big of a deal and maybe isn’t for everyone. I’m really not saying YOU have to get rid of your fitness DVD stash, but I think it is something every Christian woman should reflect on if these sorts of things are a part of her life.
God kept nudging my heart that this was something I needed to do.
I’ll get to it, for Pete’s sake!
And of course, His timing is impeccable! Two months after the birth of #4, I know it’s the right thing to do.
I’m not one of those skinny pregnant people. It doesn’t seem to matter how well I eat or how often I workout during those 9 months. And while the weight usually falls off fairly easily, I like to help it along.
But He (God, not Husband) is making it a step of faith and obedience for me. I have faith I can get in shape without these and I need to obey this prompting.
So, while I’m sad to say goodbye, I’m excited to take this step. God has shown me in the past that when I act in faith and obedience, He abundantly blesses me. Out the door they go!
“Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37
I’ll miss my old friends who helped me sweat it out when this mama heart just needed to bust a move!
But God is faithful. He will not disappoint!
I’d love to know if you have any modest fitness resources to recommend or if you too have come to the same conclusion as me.
Have you tried Ballet Beautiful? I have been a hard core fitness buff for several years, but have been convicted recently about some of the messages that the fitness world convey to society. As a former dancer, I found ballet beautiful to be so refreshing. 😊
I have not tired Ballet Beautiful! I will be looking in to this. I love staying fit and try to do it for pure reasons, but I agree that the fitness industry sends terrible messages. I’m especially conscious of that as I raise my little girl.
I was going to suggest the same workouts! I just found this post via Pinterest. And the first thing that ran through my head, was YES, absolutely, I would sit down with this woman at my table WITH my family and have tea, or lunch. She is in beautiful leotards, not skimpy. And she speaks so gently. She cares for herself. And is an example to her two daughters and women! Ballet Beautiful, Mary Helen Bowers, is a GOOD fitness example.
Thanks so much for some back up on Ballet Beautiful. I looked into it, but just couldn’t commit to purchasing it. You make we want to go ahead and make the jump!
This is precisely the reason I stayed away from fitness videos until recently. The immodest dress and the music. Then another homeschool mom told me about Leslie Sandsone. I was happy that she’s at least covered, albeit tight. The music, I guess I’ll deal with since she talks through the whole thing and it’s a distraction. I know she’s probably not as intense as you want, but it beats nothing (which was what I was doing…can’t joking a gym…don’t want to…baby napping…can’t go for a walk etc…I have every excuse: ) However, somewhere some (how helpful is that! 🙁 mentioned a fitness person with the first name of Sarah. She was younger, didn’t dress too bad and was more intense. She was on YouTube. Anyhow, I hope you found something! (Or…make your own and sell them ? 🙂 Incidentally, if the weather is bad for morning PE, I have my children do a 10 minute walk with Leslie instead, from her Mix and Match video….or the 1 mile on YouTube. Good for you for being so strong to get rid of the immodest videos!
I totally gave up my exercise routine for the past year, except for some walking, running, and a little random circuit training (made up on the spur of the moment) here and there. I’m now trying to be a little more focused on my fitness again. I just got Ballet Beautiful last week and have done it twice. I wouldn’t describe it as intense, but she focuses so much on one muscle group at a time that I have a hard time doing every exercise – feel the burn! She is in a ballet leotard, which maybe isn’t modest, but is worlds above other fitness DVDS on the market. I can already see better posture and some sleek, feminine muscles developing. I was never going for a 6-pack (I really don’t want to look like a man!), so this is perfect. I’ll have to post an update sometime!
I use walk away the pounds and find them to all be wholesome.
I do like walk away the pounds. I’ve used them when I am expecting since they are low impact. However, I do like to get a really hard core circuit workout in quick (20 mins. or less). I’ve found some good videos on youtube, but nothing like Jillian!
I love Leslie Sansone’s Walk Away the Pounds DVD’s…she’s a faith filled woman and is not afraid to say so in her videos…nothing is as hard as Jillian’s workouts, but they are awesome and you feel so good after doing them, both mentally and physically!
Try Suzanne Bowen (barre workouts, Christian, always covered, soft spoken) and Classical Stretch/Essentrics. Both are avaliable for online streaming monthly or DVDs.
I will be looking into them. Thanks so much for the encouragement and suggestion!
Thank you for sharing this discussion, as it has put into words something that troubled me for a long time. One that I’ve liked because I think she is a balance of modesty and strength, is Kelly Coffee Meyer. I initially got her videos from the library and now I’m hooked for when I want a harder workout even when my boys are around. She’s a normal woman, not sensuous, and prioritizes being strong and healthy rather than a performance.
Thank you so MUCH for the suggestion Cindy! I’m always looking for a good, solid and wholesome workout and I will definitely look into her. I’ve tried a few new workouts, but find that many of them are lacking the intensity that I like. After all, I don’t have much time and so I like to work hard when I have the time to workout!
Excellent points about how those women are dressed (or not!). I realize lately how uncomfortable it makes me to see immodestly dressed people. My children always gasp in horror when they see a man running shirtless through the neighborhood. I’ve been considering the Trim Healthy Mama Workins DVDs. I heard them mention they don’t dress scantily–they have growing sons that live in their homes who don’t want/need to see Mom in regular workout clothes. It looks like they are wearing pajamas in some of the sample clips!
I haven’t heard about these workouts. I just purchased the Mutu system and, while she is wearing tight clothing, she is at the very least covered up! I too get very uncomfortable around immodest people. My kids are always scandalized by the half naked runners as well 🙂